The minor liquid filled pockets which are developed in the female's ovaries are called ovarian cysts. There are two overlies in women each of them is approximately of an almond size which are placed on side of each uterus. The function of overlies is to develop and fertile the egg and the menstruation cycle begins with this process. Most of the women have ovarian cysts and sometimes these cysts vanish without treating them in a certain time period. The cysts which are torn or damaged create serious problems.

However, the cysts are formed when the menstrual cycle start its process and these harmless cysts are known as functional cysts. Overlies generally develop follicles like cyst structure every month. Follicles help to produce oestrogen and progesterone harmonies and on ovulation release eggs. When some follicle just keeps growing in a month, it turns into a functional cyst. It has further two types of cysts; One that is follicular cyst –during  the mid  of menstrual process, an egg ruptures out of the follicle and start moving towards fallopian tube for search of the sperm to be fertilized.

When something wrong happens here follicle doesn't tear to release the egg. It may grow and transform into the cyst while in the other type the follicle bursts but start to produce more oestrogen hormones in terms of completing conception. These altered follicles are now corpus lutetium. Often these escaped opening of eggs coats off and fluid collects in  follicle,  and cause the corpus lutetium in expanding into a cyst. The functional cysts aren't harmful, often cause no pain and vanish in between two to three periods.

Other cysts which are not connected to the function of menstrual cycle may include dermoid cysts. These type of cysts contain the tissues such as hair, teeth and the skin because they are formed from the cells which help in producing human eggs and normally are not cancerous, the cysts which are grown from the tissues of overlies filled with fluid called cystadenomas, endometriomas are those cysts which are developed in the result of growth of endometrial cells outside the uterus. Some tissue might be attached to the ovary.

Most of the cysts have no apparent symptom and a big cyst may stimulate the abdominal condition and if it gives pressure on the bladder, it might feel like to urinate even more frequently as the bladder has reduced its capacity. If the cyst exists following might be its symptoms: irregular and improper menstrual cycles, pelvic discomfort, sensation of pelvic pain for short time before or after the period, discomfort while having sexual intercourse medically called dyspareunia, ache in movements of bowls or by giving pressure on them, vomits, breast soreness or nausea, the same symptoms that are felt during the pregnancy, feeling weightiness in the abdomen or pressure on rectum or on bladder that generally cause to urinate frequently or trouble in evacuation of  bladder.

The complications that can be caused by these cysts might be cancer after the menopause, torsion of ovaries or rupturing of ovaries. For detecting the cyst normally pelvic examinations are made and if the cyst presents, further tests may be taken to diagnose its type such as pregnancy test, pelvic ultrasound, laparoscopy, some blood samples.

Ovarian Cysts – Types, Causes, Symptoms & Complications